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Houston Oral Surgeon

World-Class Houston Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon

Dr. Cesar Guerrero has dedicated himself to improving the lives of his patients through expert, compassionate surgical care that restores health and function. He stands for excellence, precision, and a deep commitment to patient well-being. His career is marked by a series of significant achievements that highlight his expertise and dedication to advancing the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery. From pioneering complex procedures and performing over 10,000 surgeries, to earning accolades and recognition worldwide, Dr. Guerrero’s accomplishments reflect his tireless pursuit of excellence and his mission of helping patients regain their confidence and improve their quality of life.


  • Dr. Harry Archer Award (surgeon of the year) 2016 by the American College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. San Juan, Puerto Rico. Delivering the Presidential Kurt H Thoma lecture: innovations and inventions in Maxillofacial Reconstruction
  • Award of Merit: 7th Biennial World Cleft Lip and Palate Foundation. Delivering the Presidential Lecture: Cleft Lip and Palate Surgery: 30 years follow up. Seychelles Islands. May 2012
  • Cranio-maxillofacial Distraction Osteogenesis Pioneers recognition: Current Concepts and Future Directions. 21st Congress of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Dubrovnik, Croatia. September 11-15, 2012.
  • International Award of Excellence: Guerrero C.A. “Craniofacial Distraction Osteogenesis.” 2nd Asia Pacific Congress on World Craniofacial Distraction Osteogenesis. 8th March, 2004. The Republic of Maldives. Male.
  • Presidential Lecture: Intraoral distraction osteogenesis of the middle face. Korean Association of OMS. Seoul, Korea. April 2015
  • Dr. Jose Barros Saint Pasteur Award: “Alveolar Distraction Osteogenesis: Prediction and Stability.” XIV Latino-American Association of OMS ALACIBU Congress. Panama 2003.
  • Honorary Member of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Association of Puerto Rico
    February 26, 1998, San Juan- Puerto Rico, USA.
  • Stryker Corp recognition to Drs: Turvey, Bloomquist, Schendel, Tucker, Bell and Guerrero for their Legacy to Orthognathic Surgery. Nov. 2019
  • Venezuelan Society of Orthodontics Scientific Award. November 4th, 2011. Porlamar, Venezuela.
  • Scientific recognition for the contribution to the scientific and academic development in oral and maxillofacial surgery. ALACIBU (Latin-American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery) “Golden anniversary (50 years)”. Cartagena, Colombia. August 4, 2012.

Honorary Professor

  • Honorary Professor: Maimonides University. Rosario, Argentina. 2013.
  • Honorary Professor: Nueva Granada University, Military Hospital. Bogota, Colombia. 1998.
  • Honorary Professor: Concepcion University. Concepcion, Chile. 2010.

Technological Companies Counselor

  • Leibinger Company (Germany) 1999-2006. Developed new devices for osteogenic distraction
  • Synthes Company (Switzerland-USA) 2007-2012. Innovating distraction devices
  • Neodent Dental Implant (Brazil) Since 2006. Implant innovations
  • Nobel Biocare Dental Implants (Sweden-USA) Since 2015. Clinical trials and innovations
  • KLS Martin (Germany) Since 2016-2018. Developing new devices for osteogenic distraction
  • Stryker Corp. Since 2018. Counselor

Professorial Contributions. (2015-2017)

  • Surgical Prosthodontics Lectures. John Sealy Hospital. Grand Rounds auditorium. June 27th, 2015. Galveston, Texas. Guest: Dr Stephen Parel
  • Zygoma Implants Hands-on Course. Specialty Care Center. Live surgery, 3-D models surgery and Prosthodontics Laboratory. October 16-17th, 2015. League City, Texas. Guests: Dr Rafaelle Pisano and Dr Stephen Parel
  • Orthodontics-Orthognathic Surgery-Distraction Osteogenesis. Open Gates Mansion. Galveston, Texas. November 12th, 2016. Galveston, Texas. Guests: Drs Mikhail Samchukov, Marina Makarov and Terry Adams

Reviewer For The Following Journals

  • Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (JOMS)
  • International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (IJOMS)
  • Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology (TRIPLE-O)
  • Spanish Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (SECOM)
  • Annals of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Section Editor On Orthognathic Surgery

  • Annals of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Areas Of Interest

  • Orthognathic and esthetic surgery
  • Maxillofacial implants

Scientific Program Director

  • ACOMS 2004, American College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, 2004. Hollywood, Florida. Combined meeting with the Spanish Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (SECOM) and Latino-American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (ALACIBU)

Scientific Societies/Professional Organizations Membership

  • President (2002-2004) of Venezuelan Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (SVCBMF)

    1976 — present

  • President (1985-1988) of the Venezuelan Association on Craniofacial Anomalies (AVACFA)

    1976 — present

  • President (1997-2000) of the Latin American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (ALACIBU)

    1994 - present

  • Member of the International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (IAOMS)

    1997 - present

  • Member of the American College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (ACOMS)

    1999 - present

  • Member of the Board. Regent for Latin America for the American College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. ACOMS

    2000 - 2010

  • Member of American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS)

    2000 - present

  • Member of the European Association of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery (EACMEFS)


  • Member-at-large position of International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (IAOMS)

    2009 - 2011

  • Member of the International Society of Craniofacial Surgery (ISCFS)

    2008 - present


Articles In Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • Guerrero CA: Mandibular hypomobility. Act Odont Venez 1: 1983.
  • Guerrero CA: Functional and esthetic concepts in deformities corrections for latin-american patients. Venez Ortod Journal 3:13-20, 1986.
  • Guerrero CA, Contasti G. Antero-posterior maxillary deficiency correction in lateral congenic absence. Ven Ortod Journal 4-5:52-57, 1987-1988.
  • Guerrero CA: Rapid Mandibular Expansion. Venez Ortod Journal 1-2:48, 1990.
  • Gonzalez M, Guerrero CA, et al.: Flexible rigid maxillary fixation: A new concept. Ven Ortod Journal 10:180-185, 1993.
  • Guerrero CA, Bruzual L. Spectrum application in rapid mandibular expansion. Ven Ortod Journal 10:170-179, 1993.
  • Guerrero CA, Egui N, Bruzual L. New concepts in general anesthesia during orthognathic surgery combined esthetic surgery. Odontol al Dia. Año X, 1994.
  • Guerrero CA, Rodriguez JL, Cachazo M. Actual status treatment in zygomatic complex fracture. Odontol al Dia. Año X May-August: 5-21, 1994.
  • Del Valle S, Guerrero CA. Prevention and management of pathologic injuries secondary to orthodontic treatment. Ven Ortod Journal 11:217-220, 1994.
  • Guerrero CA, Vasquez Z. Actual treatment in mandibular reconstruction. Odontol al Dia. 11 (2):93-115, 1995.
  • Del Valle S, Guerrero CA, Barros St-Pasteur J. Intraoral approaches in complicated access to pathological lesions. Ven Ortod Journal 11(1):6-19,1995.
  • Guerrero CA, Bell WH, Flores A, Mondugno VL, Contasti G, Rodriguez AM, Meza L: Mandibular intraoral distraction osteogenesis. Odontol al Dia. 11:116-132, 1995.
  • Guerrero CA, Bell WH, Contasti G, Rodriguez AM, Gullino D, Vasquez Z: Maxillary intraoral distraction osteogenesis. Odontol al Dia. 11:203-218,1995.
  • Guerrero CA, Bell WH, Contasti G, Rodriguez AM: Mandibular widening by intraoral distraction osteogenesis. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 35: 383-392, 1997.
  • Bell WH, Gonzalez M, Samchukoy ML, Guerrero CA: Intraoral widening and lengthening the mandible by distraction osteogenesis and histogenesis. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 57: 548-562, 1999
  • Guerrero CA, Laplana R, Figueredo N, Rojas A: Surgical implant repositioning. Int J Oral and Maxillofac Implants 14: 48-54, 1999.
  • Guerrero CA, Laplana R, Figueredo N, Rojas A: Chirurgische Reponierung von Implataten: Klinischer Bericht. Quintessenz, 50(8): 783-789, 1999.
  • Guerrero CA, Bell WH, Contasti Gl, Rodriguez AM: Intraoral Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis. Seminars Orthod. 5: 35-40, 1999.
  • Guerrero CA, Bell WH, Meza LS: Intraoral Distraction Osteogenesis-Maxillary and Mandibular Widening. Atlas Oral Maxillofac Surg Clinics North Am 1999; 7: 111-151.
  • Bell WH, Gonzalez M, Samchukov ML, Guerrero CA: Intraoral widening and lengthening the mandible by distraction osteogenesis and histogenesis. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 57: 548-562, 1999.
  • Del Santo Jr M, Guerrero C, Buschang P, English J, Samchukov M, Bell W. Long-term skeletal and dental effects of mandibular symphyseal distraction osteogenesis. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 118(5):485-493, 2000.
  • Contasti GI, Rodriguez AU, Guerrero CA: Orthodontic mandibular widening by distraction osteogenesis. Orthod Cyber J 2008
  • Guerrero C. Intraoral bone transport in clefting. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am 14(4):509-523, 2002.
  • Whitesides L, Wunderle R, Guerrero C. Mandible reconstruction using a 2-phase transport disc distraction osteogenesis: A case report. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 63(2):261-266, 2005.
  • Betancourt OA, Guerrero CA, Lopez PE. Connective tissue graft previous orthodontic treatment to prevent periodontal recession. Ven Ortod Journal 23-24:5-21, 2006-2007.
  • Chacin A, Jimenez V, Contasti G, Guerrero CA. Orthodontic and surgical management in Cleidocranial dysostosis. Ven Ortod Journal 23-24:51-57, 2006-2007.
  • Gonzalez M, Guerrero C: Intra-Arch Distraction. Atlas Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin N Am 16(2):169-183, 2008.
  • Gonzalez M, Egbert M, Guerrero C, Van Sickels J: Vertical and Horizontal Mandibular Lengthening of the Ramus and Body. Atlas Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin N Am 16(2): 215-236, 2008.
  • Guerrero C, Mujica E.: Esthetics approaches in maxillofacial pathologies. Venezuelan J Plast Reconstructive Surg 10(2):96-109, 2009.
  • Lopez P, Guerrero CA, Mujica E.: Mandibular Basal Osteotomy: New Designs and Fixation. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 69(3):786-797, 2010.
  • Guerrero CA, Sader G, Henriquez M, Trujillo R, Pisano R, Sabogal A, Mont’Alverne A. Implantes Zigomaticos com Desenho Pentagonal para a Reabilitacao Inmediata da Maxila. Implant News. 9(N 6a), PBA, Brazil. 6: 49-64, 2012.
  • Guerrero CA, Cleft lip and palate surgery: 30 years follow-up. Annals Maxfac Surg 2 153-187
  • Henriquez M, Mujica E, Guerrero CA. Segmental osteotomies for dental implant rehabilitation. Venezuelan Association of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery. 3:1, 2013
  • Betancourt O, Contasti G. Mujica E, Guerrero C. Selective Transverse Maxillary Distraction Osteogenesis. In: Peru Orthodontic Journal. Orthodontic, Science and Art Ripano Editorial. 1:16, 2014
  • Dominguez E, Guerrero C, Shehata E, Van Sickels J: Zygoma implants or sinus lift for the atrophic maxilla and dentate mandible, which is the better option, Dent Clin N Am 63:3:499-513, 2019

Books Editor

  • Bell WH, Guerrero C. Distraction Osteogenesis of the Facial Skeleton. BC Decker Inc., Hamilton, 2007.
  • Guerrero C, Sabogal A. Zygoma Implants. Atlas of Surgery and Prosthetics. Ripano, 2009.

Book an Appointment and Regain Comfort

Dr. Guerrero’s practice is built on three key principles: unparalleled mastery in oral and maxillofacial surgery, compassionate care that treats every patient like family, and extensive global training that ensures cutting-edge, precise treatment. With over 10,000 surgeries performed, Dr. Guerrero’s combination of expertise, empathy, and world-class education sets him apart. Receive the exceptional care that has transformed countless lives and book an appointment today to take the first step toward renewed confidence and well-being.